The Failed Attempt to Create a Ten Hour Day

There are 24 hours in a day, seven days in a week, and (roughly) 365 days in a year. There are 60 minutes in an hour and 60 seconds in a minute. You probably knew all that. But you know it because you’ve committed it to memory — it’s not something you can reason out. A lot of measurements — at least in areas that haven’t switched to the Metric system — suffer from that design flaw. Instead of there being a base unit (say, a meter) with other units simply being some power of ten larger or smaller (kilometers, centimeters, to further our example), we end up with 7s and 24s and 60s and all sorts of other numbers which do not match the number of fingers we have.

It’s not entirely clear why our days have two 12-hour halves or why our hours have 60 minutes of 60 seconds each. Per Scientific America, the ancient Egyptians are possibly the culprit — “the importance of the number 12 is typically attributed either to the fact that it equals the number of lunar cycles in a year or the number of finger joints on each hand (three in each of the four fingers, excluding the thumb), making it possible to count to 12 with the thumb.” Or maybe it’s the ancient Babylonians, who, for some reason, used a base 60 system. (And note, 60 is just 12 times five.) But neither of those two measures are as important as they used to be. So, why haven’t we switched to decimal time?

Well, if the French Revolution is any indication, it’s because regular people don’t really care about the math behind the clock.


Starting in the 1750s and continuing onward, a handful of philosophers and mathematicians began to write about their struggles with the base 12 system — it seemed counterintuitive or, at least, antiquated. The same was true for other aspects of the non-base 10 world, particularly weights and measures. Why are there 12 inches to a foot? Or 14 pounds to a stone?

When the French revolted against the monarchy forty-something years later, the political upheaval spread beyond politics and into this realm. After the storming of the Bastille, the French nobility made many concessions to the revolutionary forces, among which was relinquishing control over what were official weights and measures. (If you control how things are measured, you can control the results.) This became the first major foray into the metric system, even though it didn’t stick immediately. (France dropped this precursor to the modern metric system in 1812 and re-adopted a new one in 1837. If you want to learn more, the “history of the metric system” entry on Wikipedia is an interesting, but long, read.)

But the revolutionaries weren’t only concerned with pounds and inches; they also tried to reform the minutes and hours, too, using something now called “French Revolutionary Time” or “French Republican Time,” depending on which source you go by. The idea was simple — ten hour days, with each hour consisting of 100 minutes, and each new minute made up of 100 seconds. On November 24, 1793, per Mental Floss, this base 10 system became the law of the land, and clockmakers began to produce things like the item depicted above to further those efforts. As you can see, the two center rings are base 100 and 10, respectively from the center out, while the traditional time is measured on the outside rings. The arm of the clock pointing at 8 o’clock in the new system is also pointing to a few minutes before 7:15 PM in the old system.

And the change didn’t stop there. Gone were seven day weeks — they were replaced by a ten-day week. Each month was now 30 days, no more, no less, each made up three weeks. There were still 12 months, in order to make the math work out correctly (roughly), but each month was renamed to reflect the seasons as experienced by someone in Paris. Five or six (on leap years) celebratory days came at the end of the year, bringing us to the same 365 days in the current calendar.

Or, at least, that was what the law said. In practice, people didn’t really care to change how they kept time — as Mental Floss further notes, unlike weights and measures, which impacted trade and commerce, “there were few practical reasons for non-mathematicians to change how they told time.” The base 12 system was good enough — plus, their clocks didn’t need to be replaced, which sounds like a silly reason, but the cost of changing over every single clock was significant.

Failing to get the people on board, the new government ultimately gave up the effort. The decimal time experiment lasted less than 18 (regular) months; by spring of 1795, the French leadership dropped the edict.

 Bonus fact: The Babylonians’ base 60 system probably had a practical reason behind it. The number 60 is the lowest number that has the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 as factors, allowing for the easy and equal division of tangible goods among different sets of group.

 The Failed Attempt to Create a Ten Hour Day – Now I Know


The astrolabe is an ancient astronomical instrument, dating back more than 2,000 years, used to observe the positions of the stars. With modifications it has also been used for time-keeping, navigation, and surveying.

Astrolabes depict the visual reference points of stars on the night sky as a function of time. As such, an observer can also set the time to predict the visible star pattern expected. The most common type of astrolabe, the planispheric astrolabe, consists of a star map (the rete) engraved on a round sheet of metal. With regard to the rete, only the angular relationship of the stars needs to be accurate to ensure proper functioning of the astrolabe. A metal ring is moved across the map to represent the position of the local horizon. An outer ring is adjusted to allow for the apparent rotation of the stars around the North Star, using prominent stars as reference points.

Astrolabes were forerunners of mechanical clocks, and looked somewhat like watches. With a set of tables, the observer could determine the day and hour for a fixed location by the position of the stars. With the addition of a sighting-rule, called an alidade, an astrolabe could be used as a surveying instrument. The rule could be moved across a scale to measure elevation. Navigational astrolabes marked celestial altitudes (the altitude in degrees above the horizon).

Although there is evidence to support the assertion that ancient Greek culture had astrolabes, it is certain that the Arabs perfected and made regular use of the astrolabe. With the clear desert sky at their constant disposal, the Arab people excelled in astronomy and used the stars to navigate across the seas of sand . Regular use of astrolabes continued into the 1800s. The newer prismatic astrolabe continues to be used for precision surveying.

Modern versions of stellar charts and bowls with adjustable time and date markings on sliding rings are based upon earlier astrolabe construction and design principles.

Time is man-made

24 hours in a day? 

Someone in ancient Egypt decided to divide daytime into 10 units, and then add one unit of twilight at each end. That’s 12 units during daylight, 12 units at night, 24.

60 minutes and 60 seconds? 

The people of ancient Babylon had a thing for multiples of 60. That’s also why we divide a circle into 360, by the way.

Time zones? 

Totally made up. In 2010, Russia went from 11 time zones to 9. China has one time zone, when countries around its borders have five. Nepal is +15. Minutes. Lol. And summer time? Some places do it, some places don’t. Why not? 


Horology (from Greek ώρα, "hour, time"; and λόγος, logos, "study, speech"; lit. the study of time) is the art or science of measuring time. Clocks, watches, clockwork, sundials, clepsydras, timers, time recorders and marine chronometers are all examples of instruments used to measure time.

People interested in horology are called horologists. That term is used both by people who deal professionally with timekeeping apparatus (watchmakers, clockmakers), as well as aficionados and scholars of horology. Horology and horologists have numerous organizations, both professional associations and more scholarly societies.

Horological organizations

The leading scholarly horological organizations are:
People (Horologists)

It's Time To Fix Time

Open a spreadsheet and create a quick and dirty log to record time worked on some project.  Then try adding up the total number of hours worked.  It's nightmarishly (and needlessly) complex.

The ease with which the metric system enables arithmetic operations across weights, distances and other measures is a virtue entirely lacking in the realm of measuring time and dates.

The Case for an Entirely New Calendar

Why the Gregorian calendar is so last year.

By Renuka Rayasam
30 December 2015

If Richard Henry had his way, we wouldn’t be celebrating the New Year quite yet. The Johns Hopkins University physics and astronomy professor along with his colleague Steve Hanke, an economics professor, have come up with a calendar they believe would simplify scheduling and accountancy once and for all.

In the Hanke-Henry Permanent Calendar, every date would fall on the same day of the week every year. The pair want their calendar adopted worldwide by January 1, 2017 — the next time that New Year’s Day falls on a Sunday. Their goal is to do away with scheduling problems and financial reporting errors that result from using a calendar system, where quarters and months are different lengths and dates jump to a different day every year.

Col. Henry Stimson and George Eastman , 1929. (Credit: AP, George Eastman Museum)

In their proposed calendar, two 30-day months are followed by one 31-day month with an extra week called Xtr added on every five or six years to account for seasonal drift.

Avoiding ‘calendar confusion’

The pair say their calendar improves upon previous efforts because it preserves the 12 month, seven-day week idea, while eliminating what they call “calendar confusion.”

Because the days don’t jump around from year to year in their version, scheduling for things like holidays, sporting events and university start dates would only need to be planned once and then never changed. Christmas, for example, would always be on a Sunday.

Calculations would also be easier, they claim. Bond, mortgage and other interest rate calculations are often based on a 30-day month, which Hanke said leads to tricky sums and errors with months that have 28 or 31 days.

“Our calendar solves that problem” because it would do away with the need for day count conventions all together, Hanke said.

In addition, because each quarter in the Hanke-Henry calendar is 91 days, corporate quarter calculations would become easier. As an example they point to Apple’s 2012 fourth quarter earnings, which fell short of Wall Street expectations sinking the company’s share price. It turns out that analysts failed to account for the extra week that Apple had added to the fourth quarter in 2011 to account for leap days.

Realigning time

Henry first got the idea to revise the calendar when he started teaching an astronomy class to students at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore. Even though the content of his class never changed, he had to update the syllabus, lecture and exam schedule every year.

“The only reason that is necessary is because the world adopted the Gregorian calendar,” said Henry. “As a professional astronomer I knew there had to be a better way.”

The snag for solar calendar planners is that it takes 365.2422 days for the earth to orbit the sun, complicating any sort of neat division of days and months. For most of history religious concerns rather than business interests have shaped calendar planning.

Many countries today such as Bulgaria, China, Iran and Israel use other calendars in parallel to the Gregorian calendar to mark holidays and religious observances.

A matter of economics

This centuries-old calendar makes modern day scheduling and accounting a nightmare, but reformers have had little luck in convincing the world to move away from it.

In the early Twentieth Century “economic interests behind calendar reform came together,” said Vanessa Ogle, assistant professor of history at the University of Pennsylvania and author of The Global Transformation of Time. The rise of complex multinational firms, globalisation and cost accounting gave momentum to the movement to replace the Gregorian calendar with a more business friendly version.

A 13-month calendar used by Kodak in 1928 and 1989 (Credit: The George Eastman Museum)

Chambers of Commerce in the United States and Europe wanted to find a way to simplify revenue and cost comparisons difficult with the Gregorian calendar because months contain an uneven number of days. Many Western governments, just starting to measure economic activity more precisely, were also behind the idea of calendar reform, she said.

The United Nations even took up the cause in the 1950s, pushing for the adoption of a calendar with a fixed number of days in the quarter, but couldn’t get the US government on board.

Kodak’s 13-month experiment

The challenge became a personal passion for Eastman Kodak Company founder George Eastman. Within the Kodak offices he implemented a 13-month calendar called the International Fixed Calendar, designed by railway bookkeeper, Moses Cotsworth. Every month had 28 days with an extra month called Sol in the summer and a leap day added at the end of December.

Eastman believed that the calendar “kept things running efficiently and maintained good records,” said Kathy Connor, a curator for the George Eastman Museum. “Eastman spent a lot of money publishing and printing these calendars because he wanted to convince other businesses to use it internationally.” He even addressed the League of Nations on the importance of calendar reform.

Robert Shanebrook remembers storerooms at the company’s offices were piled high with calendars that came in different sizes. Every conference room in the building had a poster sized calendar of the current and following years hanging on the walls and every employee had smaller calendars on their desks.

“I carried one in my wallet for years and I bet 90% of the men who worked there did too,” said Shanebrook, who held numerous jobs throughout his 35 years with the company including as a worldwide manager for film.

As Kodak started dealing more with outside vendors and bringing in external executives, it finally ditched the Fixed Calendar in 1989. Ogle says that other calendar-reform efforts largely died out over objections from religious groups worried that Sabbath wouldn’t be celebrated on the proper holy day.

Plus “some people associated [the 13-month calendar] with bad luck and fortune,” Ogle said.

Barriers to adoption?

Henry says that the biggest barrier to adopting the calendar has been psychological. For example, because birthdays would always be on the same day each year, he gets a lot of resistance to people whose birthdays would always be on a weekday.

“The real objection is that people say ‘my birthday would always be on a Wednesday,’” he said.

Another barrier is the cost and coordination associated with switching calendars globally. With today’s networked global economy, every country around the world would have to agree on the new calendar to coordinate business meetings and airplane schedules among a host of other events.

“It would be a lot of work for one year,” said Henry, as the world would need to reprint and adjust to new calendars and software makers would need to rewrite lines of code. “The one-time cost would be significant, but amortized over the next million years it would be zero.”

Still there is precedent for the shift. Ogle points out that the world didn't agree on common, uniform timezones until the middle of the Twentieth Century.

Whether the Hanke-Henry Permanent Calendar will get adopted globally by 2017 is still a good question. The pair say they get weekly emails from people who see their calendar as logical, but say they are having trouble getting it on the agenda of decision makers.

“We’re optimistic with social media,” said Hanke, who hopes that a grassroots effort could give the calendar momentum. Time will tell.

The Duration of One Daily Rotation of the Earth's Divided by 1000

How many minutes will I spend on a plane if I fly from 3:55 in the afternoon until 10:30 at night? The reason that the answer isn't readily apparent is because somebody somewhere decided that time should be divided into units of twelve.

Why, when we have ten fingers and ten toes and have spent tens of thousands of years thinking in terms of tens, should this be? Why not simply take one complete rotation of the Earth and divide it into a thousand units with a hundred of those hours and a hundred of those minutes and a hundred of those seconds?

by Steve Mason
Integra - The Journal of Intertel 
Vol. AQ  No. 5